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Troubleshooting: Common Questions About Using the Jupiter SDK / API


I'm getting this error: "TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'numRequiredSignatures')"

  • If using Yarn, in package.json: "resolutions": { "@solana/web3.js": "1.31.0" }.
  • Make sure to delete node_modules and yarn.lock.

I'm getting this error: "TypeError: fields must be array of Layout instances"

  • add this line in package.json.
"resolutions": {
"@solana/buffer-layout": "4.0.0"
  • Alternatively, remove the above resolution, and update to the latest version.

I am using craco and I am getting this error: "Module parse failed: Unexpected token"


"browserslist": [
"not dead",
"not op_mini all"

Often times there may be different versions of the same library.

  • To correct it add the correct version to package.json: "resolutions".

Make sure you are using the correct and latest NPM library

Next.js is not compiling?

  • Next.js needs libraries to be available on the server side to be compilable, checkout our example here, on how to selectively import libraries based on environment.

Swap Execution

Common transaction error:

Program log: Custom program error: 0x1771

Program Jupiter Aggregator v4 consumed 67018 of 200000 compute units

Program returned error: custom program error: 0x1771

0x1771 occurs when the Slippage tolerance is exceeded, so when the final out amount is less than the minimum out amount.

Wrap and Unwrap SOL

You can refer to the documentation here:

Transaction Confirmation Timeout

From time to time, you may see an error message like Transaction was not confirmed in 60.00 seconds., this means that your transaction expires without being confirmed. To learn how to mitigate this problem, you should read this brilliant article about Solana transaction here: