Compose Limit Order with the SDK
Program Address
Our published package can be found here at NPM.
yarn add @jup-ag/limit-order-sdk
1. Import the needed libraries
import { LimitOrderProvider } from '@jup-ag/limit-order-sdk'
2. Load limit order instance with connection
// It is recommended that you use your own RPC endpoint.
// This RPC endpoint is only for demonstration purposes so that this example will run.
const connection = new Connection($SOLANA_RPC_ENDPOINT);
const limitOrder = new LimitOrderProvider(
referralPubKey //optional, more details in the section below
Create limit order
// Base key are used to generate a unique order id
const base = Keypair.generate();
const {tx, orderPubKey} = await limitOrder.createOrder({
owner: owner.publicKey,
inAmount: new BN(100000), // 1000000 => 1 USDC if inputToken.address is USDC mint
outAmount: new BN(100000),
inputMint: new PublicKey(inputToken.address),
outputMint: new PublicKey(outputToken.address),
expiredAt: null // new BN(new Date().valueOf() / 1000),
base: base.publicKey
await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, tx, [owner, base]);
expiredAt - It can be either null or Unix timestamp in seconds.
Query user order and history
import { ownerFilter } from '@jup-ag/limit-order-sdk'
import { OrderHistoryItem, TradeHistoryItem } from "@jup-ag/limit-order-sdk";
const openOrder = await limitOrder.getOrder([ownerFilter(owner.publicKey)]);
const orderHistory: OrderHistoryItem[] = await limitOrder.getOrderHistory({
wallet: owner.publicKey.toBase58(),
take: 20, // optional, default is 20, maximum is 100
// lastCursor: // optional, for pagination
const orderHistoryCount: number = await limitOrder.getOrderHistoryCount({
wallet: owner.publicKey.toBase58()
const tradeHistory: TradeHistoryItem[] = await limitOrder.getTradeHistory({
wallet: owner.publicKey.toBase58(),
take: 20, // optional, default is 20, maximum is 100
// lastCursor: // optional, for pagination
const tradeHistoryCount: number = await limitOrder.getTradeHistoryCount({
wallet: owner.publicKey.toBase58()
Cancel order
const txid = await limitOrder.cancelOrder({
owner: owner.publicKey,
orderPubKey: order.publicKey,
Batch cancel order
const txid = await limitOrder.batchCancelOrder({
owner: owner.publicKey,
ordersPubKey: batchOrdersPubKey,
Due to the transaction size limit, the maximum cancellation order in a batch is 10.
Referrers are entitled to a share of 0.1% of referral fees, while the platform collects another 0.1%. The fees are collected and withheld by the program and are claimable anytime.
1. Create a referral account
const { tx, referralAccountPubKey } = await limitOrder.createReferralAccount();
await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, tx, [KEYPAIR]);
2. Create referral token accounts
For every token you would like to collect referral fees in, you need to generate a token account for that. Referral fees are given in the output mint token.
const { tx, referralTokenAccountPubKey } =
await limitOrder.createReferralTokenAccount(
await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, tx, [KEYPAIR]);
3. Collect fees
Once you include your referralPubKey in LimitOrderProvider initialization and output mint referral token account have been created, the referral fees will be credited into the token account after the order has been fulfilled.
4. Claim fees
const tx = await limitOrder.claimReferral(mint);
await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, tx, [KEYPAIR]);